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Super Google

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Super Google Empty Super Google

Message  Dylan Mar 29 Déc - 4:11

# <- SUPERGOOGLE 1.3 ->
# --> fixed & powered by brazOo (original by brother)
# supergoogle.tcl 1.2 by brother (
# This tcl script is an extension to the google.tcl script by
# aNa|0Gue - -
# It is completely written from scratch to provide more options
# and features than the original one.
# Features
# * select the channels to listen on for the request
# * proxy support
# * request multiple hits for the search
# * details like sitename and size per hit
# * online help included
# * debug mode
# * crude flood control (for now)
# * partyline google (suggested by Holieman)
# * every option can be set by some simple variables
# * ...
# I have included in the zip a file called http.tcl for users who
# cannot get the http package installed (mainly win32 users)
# This file will fully emulate all its commands and is useable for
# other modules too. You also need alltools.tcl loaded before this
# one.
# Just load the tcl scripts as follows in your config
#  source scripts/alltools.tcl
#  source scripts/http.tcl          #only for win32 or if it complains
#  source scripts/supergoogle.tcl
# Revisions:
#  1.0 Initial version
#  1.1 Fixed a bug in detailed section
#      Added a handler variable and partyline searching
#  1.2 Parse procedure sucked, it was slow and buggy; so
#      i have completely rewritten it. It should both be
#      faster and (hopefully) bugfree this time.
# Below you can set some important variables

# Hostname of proxy service. Set to "" if you don't want to use this.
# This one is for members
# set sgoogle_proxy ""
set sgoogle_proxy ""

# Only allow command on following channels
# set sgoogle_channels "#chan1 #chan2 #chanX"
# or for all channels
set sgoogle_channels ""

# maximum number of hits on a search returned by the engine
set sgoogle_hits 5

# default number of hits returned
set sgoogle_hits_default 1

# allow use of detailed mode?
set sgoogle_detail 1

# use detailed mode only when requested?
set sgoogle_detail_request 1

# reply method for a public request (on the channel)
# set to 0 for a notice to the user
# set to 1 for a msg to the user
# set to 2 for a public msg on the channel
set sgoogle_pubmethod 2

# who should i allow a google search in the partyline (use the eggdrop flags)
# ie. only allow botmasters and botowners
set sgoogle_pline_flags "mn"

# log requests?
set sgoogle_log 1

# debug the script
set sgoogle_debug 0

# do not change below here
set sgoogle_lastreq ""
set sgoogle_antiflood 0
package require http
if {!($sgoogle_proxy == "")} {
    http::config -proxyhost [lindex [split $sgoogle_proxy {:}] 0] -proxyport [lindex [split $sgoogle_proxy {:}] 1] -useragent "BrasMort Browser"
} { http::config -useragent "BrasMort Browser" }
bind pub - !google pub:sgoogle
bind pub - !zoek pub:sgoogle
bind pub - !search pub:sgoogle
bind pub - !images pub:gimages
bind pub - !groups pub:ggroups
bind dcc $sgoogle_pline_flags google dcc:sgoogle
bind dcc $sgoogle_pline_flags zoek dcc:sgoogle
bind dcc $sgoogle_pline_flags search dcc:sgoogle
bind dcc $sgoogle_pline_flags images dcc:gimages
bind dcc $sgoogle_pline_flags groups dcc:ggroups

proc sgoogle_antiflood_reset {} {
  global sgoogle_antiflood
  set sgoogle_antiflood 0
  set sgoogle_lastreq ""
  foreach th [timers] {
    if {[lindex $th 1]=="sgoogle_antiflood_reset"} {
      killtimer [lindex $th 2]
proc pub:sgoogle { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global sgoogle_channels sgoogle_pubmethod
 global sgoogle_antiflood sgoogle_lastreq sgoogle_log
  if {$sgoogle_antiflood > 4} {return 0}
  if {[llength $arg]!=0} {
    if {$arg == $sgoogle_lastreq} {return 0}
    set sgoogle_lastreq $arg
  set sgoogle_antiflood [expr $sgoogle_antiflood + 1]
  timer 1 sgoogle_antiflood_reset
  if {!($sgoogle_channels == "") && ([lsearch -exact [string tolower $sgoogle_channels] [string tolower $channel]] < 0)} {return 0}
  if {$sgoogle_pubmethod == 0} {set logger [sgoogle_start "google" 0 $nick $arg]} elseif {($sgoogle_pubmethod == 2) && ([string tolower $arg] != "help")} {
    set logger [sgoogle_start "google" 2 $channel $arg]} else {set logger [sgoogle_start "google" 1 $nick $arg]}
  if {$sgoogle_log == 1} {putcmdlog "\[SG\] ($channel) $nick $logger"}
  return 0
proc dcc:sgoogle { handle idx arg } {
 global sgoogle_antiflood sgoogle_lastreq sgoogle_log
  if {$sgoogle_antiflood > 8} {return 0}
  if {$arg == $sgoogle_lastreq} {return 0}
  set sgoogle_lastreq $arg
  set sgoogle_antiflood [expr $sgoogle_antiflood + 1]
  timer 1 sgoogle_antiflood_reset
  set logger [sgoogle_start "google" 3 $idx $arg]
  if {$sgoogle_log == 1} {putcmdlog "\[SG\] (Pline) $handle $logger"}
  return 0

proc pub:gimages { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global sgoogle_channels sgoogle_pubmethod
 global sgoogle_antiflood sgoogle_lastreq sgoogle_log
  if {$sgoogle_antiflood > 4} {return 0}
  if {$arg == $sgoogle_lastreq} {return 0}
  set sgoogle_lastreq $arg
  set sgoogle_antiflood [expr $sgoogle_antiflood + 1]
  timer 1 sgoogle_antiflood_reset
  if {!($sgoogle_channels == "") && ([lsearch -exact [string tolower $sgoogle_channels] [string tolower $channel]] < 0)} {return 0}
  if {$sgoogle_pubmethod == 0} {set logger [sgoogle_start "images" 0 $nick $arg]} elseif {($sgoogle_pubmethod == 2) && ([string tolower $arg] != "help")} {
    set logger [sgoogle_start "images" 2 $channel $arg]} else {set logger [sgoogle_start "images" 1 $nick $arg]}
  if {$sgoogle_log == 1} {putcmdlog "\[SG\] ($channel) $nick $logger"}
  return 0
proc dcc:gimages { handle idx arg } {
 global sgoogle_antiflood sgoogle_lastreq sgoogle_log
  if {$sgoogle_antiflood > 8} {return 0}
  if {$arg == $sgoogle_lastreq} {return 0}
  set sgoogle_lastreq $arg
  set sgoogle_antiflood [expr $sgoogle_antiflood + 1]
  timer 1 sgoogle_antiflood_reset
  set logger [sgoogle_start "images" 3 $idx $arg]
  if {$sgoogle_log == 1} {putcmdlog "\[SG\] (Pline) $handle $logger"}
  return 0

proc pub:ggroups { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global sgoogle_channels sgoogle_pubmethod
 global sgoogle_antiflood sgoogle_lastreq sgoogle_log
  if {$sgoogle_antiflood > 4} {return 0}
  if {$arg == $sgoogle_lastreq} {return 0}
  set sgoogle_lastreq $arg
  set sgoogle_antiflood [expr $sgoogle_antiflood + 1]
  timer 1 sgoogle_antiflood_reset
  if {!($sgoogle_channels == "") && ([lsearch -exact [string tolower $sgoogle_channels] [string tolower $channel]] < 0)} {return 0}
  if {$sgoogle_pubmethod == 0} {set logger [sgoogle_start "groups" 0 $nick $arg]} elseif {($sgoogle_pubmethod == 2) && ([string tolower $arg] != "help")} {
    set logger [sgoogle_start "groups" 2 $channel $arg]} else {set logger [sgoogle_start "groups" 1 $nick $arg]}
  if {$sgoogle_log == 1} {putcmdlog "\[SG\] ($channel) $nick $logger"}
  return 0
proc dcc:ggroups { handle idx arg } {
 global sgoogle_antiflood sgoogle_lastreq sgoogle_log
  if {$sgoogle_antiflood > 8} {return 0}
  if {$arg == $sgoogle_lastreq} {return 0}
  set sgoogle_lastreq $arg
  set sgoogle_antiflood [expr $sgoogle_antiflood + 1]
  timer 1 sgoogle_antiflood_reset
  set logger [sgoogle_start "groups" 3 $idx $arg]
  if {$sgoogle_log == 1} {putcmdlog "\[SG\] (Pline) $handle $logger"}
  return 0

proc sgoogle_start { mode public destination arg } {
 global sgoogle_version version sgoogle_hits sgoogle_hits_default sgoogle_debug sgoogle_detail_request sgoogle_detail lastbind
  regsub -all -nocase {\$\{\}\[\]} $arg {} arg
  set arg [string tolower $arg]
  if {(([llength $arg]==0) || ([string tolower $arg] == "help")) && ($mode=="google")} {
      set temp ""
      lappend temp "Help: $sgoogle_version"
      lappend temp "|-$lastbind \[fr|france|linux\] \[detail|simple\] <num> <keyword(s)>"
      lappend temp "|  Search google for keywords. You can specify"
      lappend temp "|  the number of hits you want generated and"
      lappend temp "|  you want the results in detailed or simple"
      lappend temp "|  mode. Maximum number of hits is set to $sgoogle_hits"
      lappend temp "|-!images <num> <keyword(s)>"
      lappend temp "|  Search google images for keywords."
      lappend temp "|-!groups <num> \[lang=fr|de|en...\] <keyword(s)>"
      lappend temp "|  Search google groups for keywords."
      lappend temp "|-$lastbind version"
      lappend temp "|  check this scripts version"
      lappend temp "`-$lastbind help"
      sgoogle_sendtext $temp $public $destination
      return "asked for help."
  if {(([llength $arg]==0) || ([string tolower $arg] == "help")) && ($mode=="images")} {
      set temp ""
      lappend temp "Help: $sgoogle_version"
      lappend temp "|-$lastbind \[fr|france|linux\] \[detail|simple\] <num> <keyword(s)>"
      lappend temp "|  Search google for keywords. You can specify"
      lappend temp "|  the number of hits you want generated and"
      lappend temp "|  you want the results in detailed or simple"
      lappend temp "|  mode. Maximum number of hits is set to $sgoogle_hits"
      lappend temp "|-$lastbind <num> <keyword(s)>"
      lappend temp "|  Search google images for keywords."
      lappend temp "|-!groups <num> \[lang=fr|de|en...\] <keyword(s)>"
      lappend temp "|  Search google groups for keywords."
      lappend temp "|-$lastbind version"
      lappend temp "|  check this scripts version"
      lappend temp "`-$lastbind help"
      sgoogle_sendtext $temp $public $destination
      return "asked for help."
  if {(([llength $arg]==0) || ([string tolower $arg] == "help")) && ($mode=="groups")} {
      set temp ""
      lappend temp "Help: $sgoogle_version"
      lappend temp "|-$lastbind \[fr|france|linux\] \[detail|simple\] <num> <keyword(s)>"
      lappend temp "|  Search google for keywords. You can specify"
      lappend temp "|  the number of hits you want generated and"
      lappend temp "|  you want the results in detailed or simple"
      lappend temp "|  mode. Maximum number of hits is set to $sgoogle_hits"
      lappend temp "|-!images <num> <keyword(s)>"
      lappend temp "|  Search google images for keywords."
      lappend temp "|-$lastbind <num> \[lang=fr|de|en...\] <keyword(s)>"
      lappend temp "|  Search google groups for keywords."
      lappend temp "|-$lastbind version"
      lappend temp "|  check this scripts version"
      lappend temp "`-$lastbind help"
      sgoogle_sendtext $temp $public $destination
      return "asked for help."
  if {$arg == "version"} {
      sgoogle_sendtext "{$sgoogle_version running on eggdrop [lindex $version 0].}" $public $destination
      return "requested the version."

    if {$mode=="images"} {
        set zoekstring $arg
        set detailed 0
        if {[string match {[0-9]} [lindex $zoekstring 0]] || [string match {[0-9][0-9]} [lindex $zoekstring 0]]} {
            set hits [lindex $zoekstring 0]
            set zoekstring [lrange $arg 1 end]
            if {$hits > $sgoogle_hits} {
                sgoogle_sendtext "{Too many hits requested (try $lastbind help)}" $public $destination
                return "tried to retrieve too many hits."
            if {$hits < 1} {
                sgoogle_sendtext "{Number of hits must be at least 1}" $public $destination
                return "gave an invalid hits value."
        } else {
            set hits $sgoogle_hits_default
        set query ""
        for { set index 0 } { $index<[llength $zoekstring] } { incr index } {
            set query "$query[lindex $zoekstring $index]"
            if {$index<[llength $zoekstring]-1} then {
                set query "$query+"
        set query "$query&num=$hits"
        if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {
            putlog "DEBUG: Query built ($query)"
            putlog "DEBUG: Contacting website..."
        set token [http::geturl $query]
        puts stderr ""
        upvar #0 $token state
        if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Got state ($state(http))"}
        if {[string tolower [lindex $state(http) 2]] != "ok"} {
            sgoogle_sendtext "{Could not find results for $zoekstring (Error: [lrange $state(http) 2 end])}" $public $destination
            return "requested $zoekstring but got an error: [lrange $state(http) 2 end]."
        set htmldata [http::data $token]
        if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Got data ([string length $htmldata] bytes)"}
        set parsed [images_parse $htmldata]
        if {$parsed == 0} {
            if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Could not find items to parse."}
            sgoogle_sendtext "{Could not find results for $zoekstring}" $public $destination
            return "requested $zoekstring but couldn't find any results."
        if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Data parsed (got [lindex $parsed 0] items)"}
        set sendtext [images_template $parsed $detailed $zoekstring]
        if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Template applied ([llength $sendtext] lines of text)"}
        sgoogle_sendtext $sendtext $public $destination
        if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Sent text to output. Done..."}         
        return "requested $zoekstring and got [lindex $parsed 0] items ([string length $htmldata] bytes)"

    if {$mode=="groups"} {
        set zoekstring $arg
        set detailed 0
        if {[string match {[0-9]} [lindex $zoekstring 0]] || [string match {[0-9][0-9]} [lindex $zoekstring 0]]} {
            set hits [lindex $zoekstring 0]
            set zoekstring [lrange $arg 1 end]
            if {$hits > $sgoogle_hits} {
                sgoogle_sendtext "{Too many hits requested (try $lastbind help)}" $public $destination
                return "tried to retrieve too many hits."
            if {$hits < 1} {
                sgoogle_sendtext "{Number of hits must be at least 1}" $public $destination
                return "gave an invalid hits value."
        } else {
            set hits $sgoogle_hits_default
        set lang 0
        if {[string range $zoekstring 0 4]=="lang="} {
            set lang [lindex $zoekstring 0]
            set zoekstring [lrange $zoekstring 1 end]
            set lang [string range $lang 5 end]
            set lang "lr=lang_[string tolower $lang]"
        set query ""
        for { set index 0 } { $index<[llength $zoekstring] } { incr index } {
            set query "$query[lindex $zoekstring $index]"
            if {$index<[llength $zoekstring]-1} then {
                set query "$query+"
        if {$lang!=0} {
            set query "$query&$lang"
        set query "$query&num=$hits"
        if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {
            putlog "DEBUG: Query built ($query)"
            putlog "DEBUG: Contacting website..."
        set token [http::geturl $query]
        puts stderr ""
        upvar #0 $token state
        if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Got state ($state(http))"}
        if {[string tolower [lindex $state(http) 2]] != "ok"} {
            sgoogle_sendtext "{Could not find results for $zoekstring (Error: [lrange $state(http) 2 end])}" $public $destination
            return "requested $zoekstring but got an error: [lrange $state(http) 2 end]."
        set htmldata [http::data $token]
        if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Got data ([string length $htmldata] bytes)"}
        set parsed [groups_parse $htmldata]
        if {$parsed == 0} {
            if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Could not find items to parse."}
            sgoogle_sendtext "{Could not find results for $zoekstring}" $public $destination
            return "requested $zoekstring but couldn't find any results."
        if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Data parsed (got [lindex $parsed 0] items)"}
        set sendtext [groups_template $parsed $detailed $zoekstring]
        if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Template applied ([llength $sendtext] lines of text)"}
        sgoogle_sendtext $sendtext $public $destination
        if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Sent text to output. Done..."}         
        return "requested $zoekstring and got [lindex $parsed 0] items ([string length $htmldata] bytes)"
  set maybelang [string tolower [lindex $arg 0]]
  if {($maybelang == "france")||($maybelang == "fr")} {set arg [lrange $arg 1 end];set google_lang "fr"}
  if {($maybelang == "linux")} {set arg [lrange $arg 1 end];set google_lang "linux"}
  if {[string tolower [lindex $arg 0]] == "detail"} {
      set zoekstring [lrange $arg 1 end]
      if {$sgoogle_detail == 1} {
        set detailed 1
      } else {
        sgoogle_sendtext "{Detailed mode is DISABLED by the admin}" $public $destination
  } elseif {[string tolower [lindex $arg 0]] == "simple"} {
      set zoekstring [lrange $arg 1 end]
      set detailed 0
  } else {
      set zoekstring $arg
      if {$sgoogle_detail_request == 1} {set detailed 0} else {set detailed 1}
  if {[string match {[0-9]} [lindex $zoekstring 0]] || [string match {[0-9][0-9]} [lindex $zoekstring 0]]} {
      set hits [lindex $zoekstring 0]
      set zoekstring [lrange $zoekstring 1 end]
      if {$hits > $sgoogle_hits} {
        sgoogle_sendtext "{Too many hits requested (try $lastbind help)}" $public $destination
        return "tried to retrieve too many hits."
      if {$hits < 1} {
        sgoogle_sendtext "{Number of hits must be at least 1}" $public $destination
        return "gave an invalid hits value."
  } else {
      set hits $sgoogle_hits_default
      set zoekstring $zoekstring
  if {[info exist google_lang]} {
    switch -exact -- $google_lang {
        "fr" {set query ""}
        "linux" {set query ""}
  } else {
    set query ""
  for { set index 0 } { $index<[llength $zoekstring] } { incr index } {
    set query "$query[lindex $zoekstring $index]"
    if {$index<[llength $zoekstring]-1} then {
      set query "$query+"
  set query "$query&num=$hits"
  if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {
      putlog "DEBUG: Query built ($query)"
      putlog "DEBUG: Contacting website..."
  set token [http::geturl $query]
  puts stderr ""
  upvar #0 $token state
  if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Got state ($state(http))"}
  if {[string tolower [lindex $state(http) 2]] != "ok"} {
      sgoogle_sendtext "{Could not find results for $zoekstring (Error: [lrange $state(http) 2 end])}" $public $destination
      return "requested $zoekstring but got an error: [lrange $state(http) 2 end]."
  set htmldata [http::data $token]

  if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Got data ([string length $htmldata] bytes)"}
  set parsed [sgoogle_parse $htmldata]
  if {$parsed == 0} {
    if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Could not find items to parse."}
    sgoogle_sendtext "{Could not find results for $zoekstring}" $public $destination
    return "requested $zoekstring but couldn't find any results."
  if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Data parsed (got [lindex $parsed 0] items)"}
  set sendtext [sgoogle_template $parsed $detailed $zoekstring]
  if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Template applied ([llength $sendtext] lines of text)"}
  sgoogle_sendtext $sendtext $public $destination
  if {$sgoogle_debug == 1} {putlog "DEBUG: Sent text to output. Done..."}
  return "requested $zoekstring and got [lindex $parsed 0] items ([string length $htmldata] bytes)"
proc sgoogle_parse {data} {
  set count 0
  set outputdata ""
  regsub -all "\n" $data "<newline>" data
  regsub -all "<p class=g><a " $data \n data
  regsub -all " - </font><a class=" $data \n data
  regsub -all -- "<font size=-1 color=#ffffff>" $data \n data
  #regsub -all "<newline>" $data \n data
  set data [split $data \n]
  set pattern "href=*"
  foreach elem $data {
      if {[string match "Results *" $elem]} {
          regsub -all "</font>" $elem "\n" elem
          set elem [lindex [split $elem \n] 0]
          regsub -all "<b>" $elem "\002" elem
          regsub -all "</b>" $elem "\002" elem
          lappend outputdata $elem
      if {[string match $pattern $elem]} {
          set full $elem
          regsub -all "</a>" $elem \n elem
          set elem [split $elem \n]
          set elem [lindex $elem 0]
          set full [lrange $full [expr [llength $full]-7] end]
          set size "N/A"
          foreach word $full {
                regexp {[0-9]+k} $word size
          set result ""
          set infos [gere_result $elem]
          set title [lindex $infos 0]
          set url [lindex $infos 1]
          lappend result $title $url $size
          lappend outputdata $result
          incr count
  if {$count==0} {return 0}
  return "$count $outputdata"
proc gere_result { line } {
        set reply ""
        regsub -all "href=" $line "" line
        regsub -all ">" $line \n buf
        set lien [lindex $buf 0]
        set lienlen [string length $lien]
        set title [string range $line [expr $lienlen+1] end]
        regsub -all "<b>" $title "" title
        regsub -all "<u>" $title "" title
        regsub -all "</b>" $title "" title
        regsub -all "</u>" $title "" title
        regsub -all "&gt;" $title ">" title
        regsub -all "&amp;" $title "&" title
        lappend reply $title $lien
        return $reply
proc images_parse {data} {
    set count 0
    set outputdata ""
    regsub -all "\n" $data "<newline>" data
    regsub -all "<a href=/imgres" $data "\n" data
    regsub -all " ko<br><font color" $data "\n" data
    set data [split $data \n]
    set pattern "?imgurl=*"
    foreach elem $data {
        if {[string match $pattern $elem]} {
            set size "N/A"
            regexp {[0-9]+} [lindex $elem end] size
            if {$size!="N/A"} {append size "ko"}
            regsub -all "&imgrefurl=" $elem "\n" elem
            set elem [split $elem \n]
            set url "http://[string range [lindex $elem 0] 8 end]"
            lappend outputdata "$url $size"
            incr count
  if {$count==0} {return 0}
  return "$count $outputdata"
proc groups_parse {data} {
    set count 0
    set outputdata ""
    regsub -all "\n" $data "<newline>" data
    regsub -all "<p><a href=/groups" $data "\n" data
    regsub -all -- "- <a href=/groups" $data "\n" data
    set data [split $data \n]
    set pattern "?q=*"
    foreach elem $data {
        if {[string match $pattern $elem]} {
            set full $elem
            set group "N/A"
            regsub -all ">" $elem "\n" elem
            set elem [split $elem \n]
            set url [lindex $elem 0]
            set elem $full
            set title [string range $elem [expr [string length $url]+1] end]
            regsub -all "</a>" $title "\n" title
            set title [split $title \n]
            set title [lindex $title 0]
            regsub -all "<b>" $title "" title
            regsub -all "</b>" $title "" title
            regsub -all "<u>" $title "" title
            regsub -all "</u>" $title "" title
            set url "$url"
            regsub -all "</a" $title "" title
            set elem $full
            regsub -all "&" $elem "\n" elem
            set elem [split $elem \n]
            foreach tik $elem {
                if {[string match "group=*" $tik]} {
                    set tik [string range $tik 6 end]
                    set group [lindex $tik 0]
            set elem $full
            regsub -all " - " $elem "\n" elem
            set elem [split $elem \n]
            set da [lindex $elem end]
            regsub -all " par " $da "," da
            set date [lindex [split $da ","] 0]
            set auteur [lindex [split $da ","] end]
            lappend outputdata [list $title $date $group $auteur $url]
            incr count
  if {$count==0} {return 0}
  return "$count $outputdata"
proc groups_template {data details terms} {
    global sgoogle_version
    set items [lrange $data 1 end]
    set reply ""
    set count 0
    foreach hit $items {
      set title [lindex $hit 0]
      set date [lindex $hit 1]
      set group [lindex $hit 2]
      set auteur [lindex $hit 3]
      set url [lindex $hit 4]
      set count [expr $count + 1]
      if {[lindex $data 0] == 1} then {
        set temp "$title - $date by $auteur ($group) $url"
      } else {
        set temp "\[$count\] $title - $date by $auteur ($group) $url"
      lappend reply $temp
    return $reply
proc images_template {data details terms} {
    global sgoogle_version
    set items [lrange $data 1 end]
    set reply ""
    set count 0
    foreach hit $items {
      set url [lindex $hit 0]
      set size [lindex $hit 1]
      set count [expr $count + 1]
      if {[lindex $data 0] == 1} then {
        set temp "$url ($size)"
      } else {
        set temp "\[$count\] $url ($size)"
      lappend reply $temp
    return $reply

proc sgoogle_template {data detail terms} {
  global sgoogle_version
  # items was [lrange $data 2 end] in the previous version

  set items [lrange $data 2 end]
  set reply ""
  if {$detail == 0} {
    set count 0
    foreach hit $items {
      set url [lindex $hit 1]
      set size [lindex $hit 2]
      set count [expr $count + 1]
      if {[lindex $data 0] == 1} then {
        set temp "$url ($size)"
      } else {
        set temp "\[$count\] $url ($size)"
      lappend reply $temp
  } else {
    lappend reply "Search for $terms ($sgoogle_version)"
    set count 0
    foreach hit $items {
      set name [lindex $hit 0]
      set url [lindex $hit 1]
      set size [lindex $hit 2]
      set count [expr $count + 1]
      if {[lindex $data 0] == 1} then {
        lappend reply "|- $url ($size)"
        lappend reply "|  $name"
      } else {
        lappend reply "|-\[$count\] $url ($size)"
        lappend reply "|  $name"
    lappend reply "`-[lindex $data 1]"
  return $reply
proc sgoogle_sendtext {data public destination} {
  if {[llength $data] == 1 && $public == 2} {putserv "PRIVMSG $destination :[lindex $data 0]"} else {
    foreach text $data {
      if {$public == 0} {
        putnotc $destination $text
      } elseif {$public == 1} {
        putmsg $destination $text
      } elseif {$public == 2} {
        putchan $destination $text
      } else {
        putdcc $destination $text
set sgoogle_version "SuperGoogle 1.3"
putlog "$sgoogle_version Loaded..."

Messages : 221
Date d'inscription : 23/11/2009
Age : 29
Localisation : Chez moi ...

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