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bs seen

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bs seen Empty bs seen

Message  Dylan Mar 29 Déc - 4:51

#Bass's Seen script.  v1.4.2c  2/2000
#*!bass@* on Undernet.  Email: or
#traducteur O_be_one sur
#This script maintains a database of *all* nicks seen online,
#not just those ppl who are in the userlist.  Simple flood
#protection is built-in.  Wildcard searches are supported.
#Forme de possibilité:
#      pub:  !seen <query> [#chan]
#      msg:  seen <query> [#chan]
#  and dcc:  .seen <query> [#chan]
#Queries can be in the following formats (public examples given):
#    'regular' !seen lamer; !seen lamest          | SmartSearch-enabled query
#    'limited' !seennick lamer            | SmartSearch-bypassed query
#    'masked'  !seen *l?mer*; !seen *; !seen *.edu #mychan
#Bonus feature:  !lastspoke <nick> 
#    You can use wildcard matching for <nick>.  The results for the
#    first match are returned.


#Enregistrement limite dans la base de donnes. 
set bs(limit) 9999

#Longueur max pour le nick (9 sur Undernet)
set bs(nicksize) 30

#bs(no_pub) is a list of channels you *don't* want the bot to post public
#  replies to (public queries ignored).  Enter in lower case, eg: #lamer
set bs(no_pub) ""

#bs(quiet_chan) is a list of channels you want replies to requests sent 
#  to the person who made the query via notice. (The bot replies to 
#  public queries via notice.)  Enter in lower case.
set bs(quiet_chan) ""

#bs(no_log) is a list of channels you *don't* want the bot to log
#  data on.  Enter chans in lower case.
set bs(no_log) ""

#bs(log_only) is a list of channels you *only* want the bot to log
#  data on.  This is the opposite of bs(no_log).  Set it to "" if you
#  want to log new channels the bot joins.  Enter chans in lower case.
set bs(log_only) ""

#bs(cmdchar) is what command character should be used for making public
#  queries.  The default is "!".  Setting it to "" is a valid option.
set bs(cmdchar) "!"

#bs(flood) is used for flood protection, in the form x:y.  Any queries
#  beyond x in y seconds is considered a flood and ignored.
set bs(flood) 4:15
#bs(ignore) is used as a switch for ignoring flooders (1=on)
set bs(ignore) 1
#bs(ignore_time) is used to define the amount of time a flooder is
#  ignored (minutes).  This is meaningless if bs(ignore) is 0.
set bs(ignore_time) 2

#bs(smartsearch) is a master enable/disable for SmartSearch.  SmartSearch ensures that
#  the most accurate and current results are returned for nick queries. (1=on)
set bs(smartsearch) 1

#bs(logqueries) is used to log DCC/MSG/PUB queries
set bs(logqueries) 1

#bs(path) is used to indicate what path to save the database and backup to. 
#  Setting to "" will cause the script to be saved in the same path as the eggdrop executable
#  If you set it, use the full path, and make sure you terminate w/ a "/". 
#  eg:  set bs(path) "/usr/home/mydir/blah/"
set bs(path) ""

###### Ne pas modifier plus bas si vous ne connaissez pas... ######

if {[bind msg -|- help] != "*msg:help"} {bind msg -|- help *msg:help} ; #this is to fix a bind I didn't intend to use in a prev version (which screwed up msg'd help).  Sorry!
proc bs_filt {data} {
  regsub -all -- \\\\ $data \\\\\\\\ data ; regsub -all -- \\\[ $data \\\\\[ data ; regsub -all -- \\\] $data \\\\\] data
  regsub -all -- \\\} $data \\\\\} data ; regsub -all -- \\\{ $data \\\\\{ data ; regsub -all -- \\\" $data \\\\\" data ; return $data
proc bs_flood_init {} {
  global bs bs_flood_array ; if {![string match *:* $bs(flood)]} {putlog "$bs(version): var bs(flood) n'est pas reglé correctement." ; return}
  set bs(flood_num) [lindex [split $bs(flood) :] 0] ; set bs(flood_time) [lindex [split $bs(flood) :] 1] ; set i [expr $bs(flood_num) - 1]
  while {$i >= 0} {set bs_flood_array($i) 0 ; incr i -1 ; }
} ; bs_flood_init
proc bs_flood {nick uhost} {
  global bs bs_flood_array ; if {$bs(flood_num) == 0} {return 0} ; set i [expr $bs(flood_num) - 1]
  while {$i >= 1} {set bs_flood_array($i) $bs_flood_array([expr $i - 1]) ; incr i -1} ; set bs_flood_array(0) [unixtime]
  if {[expr [unixtime] - $bs_flood_array([expr $bs(flood_num) - 1])] <= $bs(flood_time)} {
    putlog "$bs(version): flood detecte depuis $nick." ; if {$bs(ignore)} {newignore [join [maskhost *!*[string trimleft $uhost ~]]] $bs(version) flood $bs(ignore_time)} ; return 1
  } {return 0}
if {[lsearch -exact [bind time -|- "*2 * * * *"] bs_timedsave] > -1} {unbind time -|- "*2 * * * *" bs_timedsave} ; #backup frequency can be lower
proc bs_read {} {
  global bs_list userfile bs
  if {![string match */* $userfile]} {set name [lindex [split $userfile .] 0]} {
    set temp [split $userfile /] ; set temp [lindex $temp [expr [llength $temp]-1]] ; set name [lindex [split $temp .] 0]
  if {![file exists $bs(path)bs_data.$name]} {
    if {![file exists $bs(path)bs_data.$name.bak]} {
      putlog "    Old seen data not found!" ; putlog "    Si c'est la premiere fois que vous lancez ce script ne vous inquietez pas." ; putlog "    Si ce n'est pas la premiere fois que vous le lance, inquiété vous !!!" ; return
    } {exec cp $bs(path)bs_data.$name.bak $bs(path)bs_data.$name ; putlog "    Precedante version de bseen non trouve utilisation de la base bseen."}
  } ; set fd [open $bs(path)bs_data.$name r]
  set bsu_ver "" ; set break 0
  while {![eof $fd]} {
    set inp [gets $fd] ; if {[eof $fd]} {break} ; if {[string trim $inp " "] == ""} {continue}
    if {[string index $inp 0] == "#"} {set bsu_version [string trimleft $inp #] ; continue}
    if {![info exists bsu_version] || $bsu_version == "" || $bsu_version < $bs(updater)} {
      putlog "Mise a jour de la nouvelle version de Bseen"
#bugfix (b) - loading the wrong updater version
      if {[source scripts/bseen_updater1.4.2.tcl] != "ok"} {set temp 1} {set temp 0}
      if {$temp || [bsu_go] || [bsu_finish]} {
        putlog "un serieux probleme a eu lieu lors de la mise a jour...."
        if {$temp} {putlog "    Le udateur n'a pas ete  trouve."}
        putlog " ce n'est pas une bonne idee d utiliser bseen avec une base de donné des seen dans une version differente."
        putlog "Si vous ne trouve pas le probleme, la seul option qui doit etre detruite les fichiers bs_data.$name et bs_data.$name.bak.  Maintenant redemarrez votre bot."
        putlog "Comme ca peut plante votre bot, votre bot est arrete." ; die "erreur critique dans bseen"
      } ; set break 1 ; break
    set nick [lindex $inp 0] ; set bs_list([string tolower $nick]) $inp
  } ; close $fd
  if {$break} {bs_read} {putlog "    Termine la lecture de [array size bs_list] enregistrements dans seen."}

#Must check to make sure the version didn't change during a .rehash
proc bs_update {} {
  global bs
  putlog "Une nouvelle version de bseen a ete automatiquement lance."
  putlog "    Verifie l'integrite de la base des precedentes versions..."
  bs_save ; bs_read
set bs(updater) 10402 ; set bs(version) bseen1.4.2c
if {[info exists bs_list]} {
#a rehash was done
  if {[info exists bs(oldver)]} {
    if {$bs(oldver) < $bs(updater)} {bs_update} ;# old ver found
  } {bs_update} ;# pre- 1.4.0
set bs(oldver) $bs(updater)
putlog "$bs(version):  -- Bass's SEEN loaded -- 4 traduction O_be_one"
if {![info exists bs_list] || [array size bs_list] == 0} {putlog "    lecture de la base de données..." ; bs_read}

bind time - "12 * * * *" bs_timedsave
proc bs_timedsave {min b c d e} {bs_save}
proc bs_save {} {
  global bs_list userfile bs ; if {[array size bs_list] == 0} {return}
  if {![string match */* $userfile]} {set name [lindex [split $userfile .] 0]} {
    set temp [split $userfile /] ; set temp [lindex $temp [expr [llength $temp]-1]] ; set name [lindex [split $temp .] 0]
  if {[file exists $bs(path)bs_data.$name]} {catch {exec cp -f $bs(path)bs_data.$name $bs(path)bs_data.$name.bak}}
  set fd [open $bs(path)bs_data.$name w] ; set id [array startsearch bs_list] ; putlog "Sauveqarde des donnees de seen..."
  puts $fd "#$bs(updater)"
  while {[array anymore bs_list $id]} {set item [array nextelement bs_list $id] ; puts $fd "$bs_list($item)"} ; array donesearch bs_list $id ; close $fd
#bugfix -- support new PART in egg1.5.x+
if {[string trimleft [lindex $version 1] 0] >= 1050000} {
  bind part -|- * bs_part 
} {
  if {[lsearch -exact [bind part -|- *] bs_part] > -1} {unbind part -|- * bs_part}
  bind part -|- * bs_part_oldver
proc bs_part_oldver {a b c d} {bs_part $a $b $c $d ""}
#bugfix - new bs_part proc
proc bs_part {nick uhost hand chan reason} {bs_add $nick "[list $uhost] [unixtime] part $chan [split $reason]"}
bind join -|- * bs_join
proc bs_join {nick uhost hand chan} {bs_add $nick "[list $uhost] [unixtime] join $chan"}
bind sign -|- * bs_sign
proc bs_sign {nick uhost hand chan reason} {bs_add $nick "[list $uhost] [unixtime] quit $chan [split $reason]"}
bind kick -|- * bs_kick
proc bs_kick {nick uhost hand chan knick reason} {bs_add $knick "[getchanhost $knick $chan] [unixtime] kick $chan [list $nick] [list $reason]"}
bind nick -|- * bs_nick
proc bs_nick {nick uhost hand chan newnick} {set time [unixtime] ; bs_add $nick "[list $uhost] [expr $time -1] nick $chan [list $newnick]" ; bs_add $newnick "[list $uhost] $time rnck $chan [list $nick]"}
bind splt -|- * bs_splt
proc bs_splt {nick uhost hand chan} {bs_add $nick "[list $uhost] [unixtime] splt $chan"}
bind rejn -|- * bs_rejn
proc bs_rejn {nick uhost hand chan} {bs_add $nick "[list $uhost] [unixtime] rejn $chan"}
bind chon -|- * bs_chon
proc bs_chon {hand idx} {foreach item [dcclist] {if {[lindex $item 3] != "CHAT"} {continue} ; if {[lindex $item 0] == $idx} {bs_add $hand "[lindex $item 2] [unixtime] chon" ; break}}}
if {[lsearch -exact [bind chof -|- *] bs_chof] > -1} {unbind chof -|- * bs_chof} ; #this bind isn't needed any more
bind chjn -|- * bs_chjn
proc bs_chjn {bot hand channum flag sock from} {bs_add $hand "[string trimleft $from ~] [unixtime] chjn $bot"}
bind chpt -|- * bs_chpt
proc bs_chpt {bot hand args} {set old [split [bs_search ? [string tolower $hand]]] ; if {$old != "0"} {bs_add $hand "[join [string trim [lindex $old 1] ()]] [unixtime] chpt $bot"}}

if {[string trimleft [lindex $version 1] 0] > 1030000} {bind away -|- * bs_away}
proc bs_away {bot idx msg} {
  global botnet-nick
  if {$bot == ${botnet-nick}} {set hand [idx2hand $idx]} {return}
  set old [split [bs_search ? [string tolower $hand]]]
  if {$old != "0"} {bs_add $hand "[join [string trim [lindex $old 1] ()]] [unixtime] away $bot [bs_filt [join $msg]]"}
bind dcc n|- unseen bs_unseen
proc bs_unseen {hand idx args} {
  global bs_list
  set tot 0 ; set chan [string tolower [lindex $args 0]] ; set id [array startsearch bs_list]
  while {[array anymore bs_list $id]} {
    set item [array nextelement bs_list $id]
    if {$chan == [string tolower [lindex $bs_list($item) 4]]} {incr tot ; lappend remlist $item}
  array donesearch bs_list $id ; if {$tot > 0} {foreach item $remlist {unset bs_list($item)}}
  putlog "$hand detuit $chan de la base de donnees.  $tot entrees detuites."
  putidx $idx "$chan detruit avec succes.  $tot entrees detruites de la base de seen."
bind bot -|- bs_botsearch bs_botsearch
proc bs_botsearch {from cmd args} {
  global botnick ; set args [join $args]
  set command [lindex $args 0] ; set target [lindex $args 1] ; set nick [lindex $args 2] ; set search [bs_filt [join [lrange $args 3 e]]]
  if {[string match *\\\** $search]} {
    set output [bs_seenmask bot $nick $search]
    if {$output != "Aucune reponse trouve." && ![string match "Je ne suis pas sur *" $output]} {putbot $from "bs_botsearch_reply $command \{$target\} {$nick, $botnick says:  [bs_filt $output]}"}
  } {
    set output [bs_output bot $nick [bs_filt [lindex $search 0]] 0]
    if {$output != 0 && [lrange [split $output] 1 4] != "je ne me souvient pas l'avoir vu"} {putbot $from "bs_botsearch_reply $command \{$target\} {$nick, $botnick says:  [bs_filt $output]}"}
if {[info exists bs(bot_delay)]} {unset bs(bot_delay)}
bind bot -|- bs_botsearch_reply bs_botsearch_reply
proc bs_botsearch_reply {from cmd args} {
  global bs ; set args [join $args]
  if {[lindex [lindex $args 2] 5] == "not" || [lindex [lindex $args 2] 4] == "not"} {return}
  if {![info exists bs(bot_delay)]} {
    set bs(bot_delay) on ; utimer 10 {if {[info exists bs(bot_delay)]} {unset bs(bot_delay)}}
    if {![lindex $args 0]} {putdcc [lindex $args 1] "[join [lindex $args 2]]"} {puthelp "[lindex $args 1] :[join [lindex $args 2]]"}
bind dcc -|- seen bs_dccreq1
bind dcc -|- seennick bs_dccreq2
proc bs_dccreq1 {hand idx args} {bs_dccreq $hand $idx $args 0}
proc bs_dccreq2 {hand idx args} {bs_dccreq $hand $idx $args 1}
proc bs_dccreq {hand idx args no} {
  set args [bs_filt [join $args]] ; global bs
  if {[string match *\\\** [lindex $args 0]]} {
    set output [bs_seenmask dcc $hand $args]
    if {$output == "Aucune reponse trouve."} {putallbots "bs_botsearch 0 $idx $hand $args"}
    if {[string match "I'm not on *" $output]} {putallbots "bs_botsearch 0 $idx $hand $args"}
    putdcc $idx $output ; return $bs(logqueries)
  set search [bs_filt [lindex $args 0]]
  set output [bs_output dcc $hand $search $no]
  if {$output == 0} {return 0}
  if {[lrange [split $output] 1 4] == "je ne me souvient pas l'avoir vu"} {putallbots "bs_botsearch 0 $idx $hand $args"}
  putdcc $idx "$output" ; return $bs(logqueries)
bind msg -|- seen bs_msgreq1
bind msg -|- seennick bs_msgreq2
proc bs_msgreq1 {nick uhost hand args} {bs_msgreq $nick $uhost $hand $args 0}
proc bs_msgreq2 {nick uhost hand args} {bs_msgreq $nick $uhost $hand $args 1}
proc bs_msgreq {nick uhost hand args no} {
  if {[bs_flood $nick $uhost]} {return 0} ; global bs
  set args [bs_filt [join $args]]
  if {[string match *\\\** [lindex $args 0]]} {
    set output [bs_seenmask msg $nick $args]
    if {$output == "Aucune reponse trouve."} {putallbots "bs_botsearch 1 \{notice $nick\} $nick $args"}
    if {[string match "I'm not on *" $output]} {putallbots "bs_botsearch 1 \{notice $nick\} $nick $args"}
    puthelp "notice $nick :$output" ; return $bs(logqueries)
  set search [bs_filt [lindex $args 0]]
  set output [bs_output $search $nick $search $no]
  if {$output == 0} {return 0}
  if {[lrange [split $output] 1 4] == "je ne me souvient pas l'avoir vu"} {putallbots "bs_botsearch 1 \{notice $nick\} $nick $args"}
  puthelp "notice $nick :$output" ; return $bs(logqueries)
bind pub -|- [string trim $bs(cmdchar)]seen bs_pubreq1
bind pub -|- [string trim $bs(cmdchar)]seennick bs_pubreq2
proc bs_pubreq1 {nick uhost hand chan args} {bs_pubreq $nick $uhost $hand $chan $args 0}
proc bs_pubreq2 {nick uhost hand chan args} {bs_pubreq $nick $uhost $hand $chan $args 1}
proc bs_pubreq {nick uhost hand chan args no} {
  if {[bs_flood $nick $uhost]} {return 0}
  global botnick bs ; set i 0
  if {[lsearch -exact $bs(no_pub) [string tolower $chan]] >= 0} {return 0}
  if {$bs(log_only) != "" && [lsearch -exact $bs(log_only) [string tolower $chan]] == -1} {return 0}
  set args [bs_filt [join $args]]
  if {[lsearch -exact $bs(quiet_chan) [string tolower $chan]] >= 0} {set target "notice $nick"} {set target "privmsg $chan"}
  if {[string match *\\\** [lindex $args 0]]} {
    set output [bs_seenmask $chan $hand $args]
    if {$output == "Aucune reponse trouve."} {putallbots "bs_botsearch 1 \{$target\} $nick $args"}
    if {[string match "I'm not on *" $output]} {putallbots "bs_botsearch 1 \{$target\} $nick $args"}
    puthelp "$target :$output" ; return $bs(logqueries)
  set data [bs_filt [string trimright [lindex $args 0] ?!.,]]
  if {[string tolower $nick] == [string tolower $data] } {puthelp "$target :$nick, va te voir dans un mirroir." ; return $bs(logqueries)}
  if {[string tolower $data] == [string tolower $botnick] } {puthelp "$target :$nick, Je suis la!! arrete de me faire perdre mon temps!" ; return $bs(logqueries)}
  if {[onchan $data $chan]} {puthelp "$target :$nick, $data est ici!!" ; return $bs(logqueries)}
  set output [bs_output $chan $nick $data $no] ; if {$output == 0} {return 0}
  if {[lrange [split $output] 1 4] == "je ne me souvient pas l'avoir vu"} {putallbots "bs_botsearch 1 \{$target\} $nick $args"}
  puthelp "$target :$output" ; return $bs(logqueries)
proc bs_output {chan nick data no} {
  global botnick bs version bs_list
  set data [string tolower [string trimright [lindex $data 0] ?!.,]]
  if {$data == ""} {return 0}
  if {[string tolower $nick] == $data} {return [concat $nick, va te voir dans un mirroir.]}
  if {$data == [string tolower $botnick]} {return [concat $nick, je suis la arrete de me faire perdre mon temps!]}
  if {[string length $data] > $bs(nicksize)} {return 0}
  if {$bs(smartsearch) != 1} {set no 1}
  if {$no == 0} {
    set matches "" ; set hand "" ; set addy ""
    if {[lsearch -exact [array names bs_list] $data] != "-1"} {
      set addy [lindex $bs_list([string tolower $data]) 1] ; set hand [finduser $addy]
      foreach item [bs_seenmask dcc ? [maskhost $addy]] {if {[lsearch -exact $matches $item] == -1} {set matches "$matches $item"}}
    if {[validuser $data]} {set hand $data}
    if {$hand != "*" && $hand != ""} {
      if {[string trimleft [lindex $version 1] 0]>1030000} {set hosts [getuser $hand hosts]} {set hosts [gethosts $hand]}
      foreach addr $hosts {
        foreach item [string tolower [bs_seenmask dcc ? $addr]] {
          if {[lsearch -exact [string tolower $matches] [string tolower $item]] == -1} {set matches [concat $matches $item]}
    if {$matches != ""} {
      set matches [string trimleft $matches " "]
      set len [llength $matches]
      if {$len == 1} {return [bs_search $chan [lindex $matches 0]]}
      if {$len > 99} {return [concat Je trouve $len reponse a votre demande\; ajustez votre demande pour voir des reponses.]}
      set matches [bs_sort $matches]
      set key [lindex $matches 0]
      if {[string tolower $key] == [string tolower $data]} {return [bs_search $chan $key]}
      if {$len <= 5} {
        set output [concat Je trouve $len reponses a votre demande (triees): [join $matches].]
        set output [concat $output  [bs_search $chan $key]] ; return $output
      } {
        set output [concat Je trouve $len reponses a votre demande.  Voici les 5 plus recents (sorted): [join [lrange $matches 0 4]].]
        set output [concat $output  [bs_search $chan $key]] ; return $output
  set temp [bs_search $chan $data]
  if {$temp != 0} { return $temp } {
    #$data not found in $bs_list, so search userfile
    if {![validuser [bs_filt $data]] || [string trimleft [lindex $version 1] 0]<1030000} {
      return "$nick, je ne me souvient pas l'avoir vu $data."
    } {
      set seen [getuser $data laston]
      if {[getuser $data laston] == ""} {return "$nick, je ne me souvient pas l'avoir vu $data."}
      if {($chan != [lindex $seen 1] || $chan == "bot" || $chan == "msg" || $chan == "dcc") && [validchan [lindex $seen 1]] && [lindex [channel info [lindex $seen 1]] 23] == "+secret"} {
        set chan "-secret-"
      } {
        set chan [lindex $seen 1]
      return [concat $nick, $data a ete vus la derniere fois sur $chan il y a [bs_when [lindex $seen 0]].]
proc bs_search {chan n} {
  global bs_list ; if {![info exists bs_list]} {return 0}
  if {[lsearch -exact [array names bs_list] [string tolower $n]] != "-1"} {
#bugfix:  let's see if the split added below fixes the eggdrop1.4.2 truncation bug
    set data [split $bs_list([string tolower $n])]
#bugfix: added a join on the $n  (c)
    set n [join [lindex $data 0]] ; set addy [lindex $data 1] ; set time [lindex $data 2] ; set marker 0
    if {([string tolower $chan] != [string tolower [lindex $data 4]] || $chan == "dcc" || $chan == "msg" || $chan == "bot") && [validchan [lindex $data 4]] && [lindex [channel info [lindex $data 4]] 23] == "+secret"} {
      set chan "-secret-"
    } {
      set chan [lindex $data 4]
    switch -- [lindex $data 3] {
   part {
        set reason [lrange $data 5 e]
        if {$reason == ""} {set reason "."} {set reason " stating \"$reason\"."}
        set output [concat $n ($addy) a ete vus la derniere fois sur $chan il y a [bs_when $time] $reason]
   quit { set output [concat $n ($addy) a ete vus la derniere fois partir de $chan il y a [bs_when $time] ([join [lrange $data 5 e]]).] }
   kick { set output [concat $n ($addy) a ete vus la derniere fois kicke de $chan par [lindex $data 5] il y a [bs_when $time] avec la raison ([join [lrange $data 6 e]]).] }
   rnck {
     set output [concat $n ($addy) a ete vus la derniere fois changer de nick pour [lindex $data 5] sur [lindex $data 4] il y a [bs_when $time].]
     if {[validchan [lindex $data 4]]} {
       if {[onchan $n [lindex $data 4]]} {
         set output [concat $output $n oui je peut (???).]
       } {
         set output [concat $output  je ne vois pas $n maintenant, desole....]
   nick {
     set output [concat $n ($addy) a ete vus changer de nick pour [lindex $data 5] sur [lindex $data 4] il y a [bs_when $time].]
   splt { set output [concat $n ($addy) a ete vus la derniere fois partir de $chan a cause d'un split il y a [bs_when $time].] }
   rejn {
     set output [concat $n ($addy) a ete vus la derniere fois rejoindre $chan depuis un split il y a [bs_when $time].]
     if {[validchan $chan]} {if {[onchan $n $chan]} {set output [concat $output  $n est maintenant sur $chan.]} {set output [concat $output  je ne vois pas $n sur $chan maintenant, desole.]}}
   join {
     set output [concat $n ($addy) a ete vus la de'rniere fois joindre $chan il y a [bs_when $time].]
     if {[validchan $chan]} {if {[onchan $n $chan]} {set output [concat $output  $n est maintenant sur $chan.]} {set output [concat $output  je ne vois pas $n sur $chan maintanant, desole.]}}
   away {
     set reason [lrange $data 5 e]
        if {$reason == ""} {
       set output [concat $n ($addy) a ete vus la derniere fois retoune dans la partyline sur $chan il y a [bs_when $time].]
     } {
       set output [concat $n ($addy) a ete vus marke un away ($reason) sur $chan il y a [bs_when $time].]
   chon {
     set output [concat $n ($addy) a ete vus la derniere fois joindre la partyline il y a [bs_when $time].] ; set lnick [string tolower $n]
     foreach item [whom *] {if {$lnick == [string tolower [lindex $item 0]]} {set output [concat $output  $n est dans la partyline maintenant.] ; set marker 1 ; break}}
     if {$marker == 0} {set output [concat $output  je ne vois $n sur la partyline maintenant, desole.]}
   chof {
     set output [concat $n ($addy) a ete vus quitte la partyline il y a [bs_when $time].] ; set lnick [string tolower $n]
     foreach item [whom *] {if {$lnick == [string tolower [lindex $item 0]]} {set output [concat $output  $n est dans la partyline dans [lindex $item 1].] ; break}}
   chjn {
     set output [concat $n ($addy) a ete vus la derniere fois joindre la partyline sur $chan il y a [bs_when $time].] ; set lnick [string tolower $n]
     foreach item [whom *] {if {$lnick == [string tolower [lindex $item 0]]} {set output [concat $output  $n est dans la partyline maintenant.] ; set marker 1 ; break}}
     if {$marker == 0} {set output [concat $output  je ne vois pas $n dans la party line maintenant, desole.]}
   chpt {
     set output [concat $n ($addy) a ete vus quitte la partyline depuis $chan il y a [bs_when $time].] ; set lnick [string tolower $n]
     foreach item [whom *] {if {$lnick == [string tolower [lindex $item 0]]} {set output [concat $output  $n est dans la partyline dans [lindex $item 1].] ; break}}
   default {set output "error"}
    } ; return $output
  } {return 0}
proc bs_when {lasttime} {
  #This is equiv to mIRC's $duration() function
  set years 0 ; set days 0 ; set hours 0 ; set mins 0 ; set time [expr [unixtime] - $lasttime]
  if {$time < 60} {return "only $time seconds"}
  if {$time >= 31536000} {set years [expr int([expr $time/31536000])] ; set time [expr $time - [expr 31536000*$years]]}
  if {$time >= 86400} {set days [expr int([expr $time/86400])] ; set time [expr $time - [expr 86400*$days]]}
  if {$time >= 3600} {set hours [expr int([expr $time/3600])] ; set time [expr $time - [expr 3600*$hours]]}
  if {$time >= 60} {set mins [expr int([expr $time/60])]}
  if {$years == 0} {set output ""} elseif {$years == 1} {set output "1 anne,"} {set output "$years annes,"}
  if {$days == 1} {lappend output "1 jour,"} elseif {$days > 1} {lappend output "$days jours,"}
  if {$hours == 1} {lappend output "1 heure,"} elseif {$hours > 1} {lappend output "$hours heures,"}
  if {$mins == 1} {lappend output "1 minute"} elseif {$mins > 1} {lappend output "$mins minutes"}
  return [string trimright [join $output] ", "]
proc bs_add {nick data} {
  global bs_list bs
  if {[lsearch -exact $bs(no_log) [string tolower [lindex $data 3]]] >= 0 || ($bs(log_only) != "" && [lsearch -exact $bs(log_only) [string tolower [lindex $data 3]]] == -1)} {return}
  set bs_list([string tolower $nick]) "[bs_filt $nick] $data"
bind time -  "*1 * * * *" bs_trim
proc bs_lsortcmd {a b} {global bs_list ; set a [lindex $bs_list([string tolower $a]) 2] ; set b [lindex $bs_list([string tolower $b]) 2] ; if {$a > $b} {return 1} elseif {$a < $b} {return -1} {return 0}}
proc bs_trim {min h d m y} {
  global bs bs_list ; if {![info exists bs_list] || ![array exists bs_list]} {return} ; set list [array names bs_list] ; set range [expr [llength $list] - $bs(limit) - 1] ; if {$range < 0} {return}
  set list [lsort -increasing -command bs_lsortcmd $list] ; foreach item [lrange $list 0 $range] {unset bs_list($item)}
proc bs_seenmask {ch nick args} {
  global bs_list bs ; set matches "" ; set temp "" ; set i 0 ; set args [join $args] ; set chan [lindex $args 1]
  if {$chan != "" && [string trimleft $chan #] != $chan} {
    if {![validchan $chan]} {return "I'm not on $chan."} {set chan [string tolower $chan]}
  } { set $chan "" }
  if {![info exists bs_list]} {return "Aucune reponse trouve."} ; set data [bs_filt [string tolower [lindex $args 0]]]

#bugfix: unnecessarily complex masks essentially freeze the bot
  set maskfix 1
  while $maskfix {
    set mark 1
    if [regsub -all -- \\?\\? $data ? data] {set mark 0}
    if [regsub -all -- \\*\\* $data * data] {set mark 0}
    if [regsub -all -- \\*\\? $data * data] {set mark 0}
    if [regsub -all -- \\?\\* $data * data] {set mark 0}
    if $mark {break}

  set id [array startsearch bs_list]
  while {[array anymore bs_list $id]} {
    set item [array nextelement bs_list $id] ; if {$item == ""} {continue} ; set i 0 ; set temp "" ; set match [lindex $bs_list($item) 0] ; set addy [lindex $bs_list($item) 1]
    if {[string match $data $item![string tolower $addy]]} {
      set match [bs_filt $match] ; if {$chan != ""} {
        if {[string match $chan [string tolower [lindex $bs_list($item) 4]]]} {set matches [concat $matches $match]}
      } {set matches [concat $matches $match]}
  array donesearch bs_list $id
  set matches [string trim $matches " "]
  if {$nick == "?"} {return [bs_filt $matches]}
  set len [llength $matches]
  if {$len == 0} {return "Aucune reponse trouve."}
  if {$len == 1} {return [bs_output $ch $nick $matches 1]}
  if {$len > 99} {return "Je trouve $len reponses a votre demande; ajustez votre demande pour voir des reponses."}
  set matches [bs_sort $matches]
  if {$len <= 5} {
    set output [concat je trouve $len reponses a votre demande (tries): [join $matches].]
  } {
    set output "Je trouve $len reponse a votre demande.  voici les 5 plus rencent (tries): [join [lrange $matches 0 4]]."
  return [concat $output [bs_output $ch $nick [lindex [split $matches] 0] 1]]
proc bs_sort {data} {global bs_list ; set data [bs_filt [join [lsort -decreasing -command bs_lsortcmd $data]]] ; return $data}
bind dcc -|- seenstats bs_dccstats
proc bs_dccstats {hand idx args} {putdcc $idx "[bs_stats]"; return 1}
bind pub -|- [string trim $bs(cmdchar)]seenstats bs_pubstats
proc bs_pubstats {nick uhost hand chan args} {
  global bs ; if {[bs_flood $nick $uhost] || [lsearch -exact $bs(no_pub) [string tolower $chan]] >= 0 || ($bs(log_only) != "" && [lsearch -exact $bs(log_only) [string tolower $chan]] == -1)} {return 0}
  if {[lsearch -exact $bs(quiet_chan) [string tolower $chan]] >= 0} {set target "notice $nick"} {set target "privmsg $chan"} ; puthelp "$target :[bs_stats]" ; return 1
bind msg -|- seenstats bs_msgstats
proc bs_msgstats {nick uhost hand args} {global bs ; if {[bs_flood $nick $uhost]} {return 0} ; puthelp "notice $nick :[bs_stats]" ; return $bs(logqueries)}
proc bs_stats {} {
  global bs_list bs ; set id [array startsearch bs_list] ; set bs_record [unixtime] ; set totalm 0 ; set temp ""
  while {[array anymore bs_list $id]} {
    set item [array nextelement bs_list $id]
    set tok [lindex $bs_list($item) 2] ; if {$tok == ""} {putlog "Dommages d'enregistement: $item" ; continue}
    if {[lindex $bs_list($item) 2] < $bs_record} {set bs_record [lindex $bs_list($item) 2] ; set name $item}
    set addy [string tolower [maskhost [lindex $bs_list($item) 1]]] ; if {[lsearch -exact $temp $addy] == -1} {incr totalm ; lappend temp $addy}
  array donesearch bs_list $id
  return "maintenant je traque [array size bs_list]/$bs(limit) nicks, et comprend $totalm sur un unique host.  Le plus vieil enregistrement est [lindex $bs_list($name) 0]'s, c'etait depuis [bs_when $bs_record]."
bind dcc -|- chanstats bs_dccchanstats
proc bs_dccchanstats {hand idx args} {
  if {$args == "{}"} {set args [console $idx]} 
  if {[lindex $args 0] == "*"} {putdcc $idx "$hand, chanstats a besoin d'argument de channel, ou un nom de channel valide." ; return 1}
  putdcc $idx "[bs_chanstats [lindex $args 0]]"
  return 1
bind pub -|- [string trim $bs(cmdchar)]chanstats bs_pubchanstats
proc bs_pubchanstats {nick uhost hand chan args} {
  global bs ; set chan [string tolower $chan]
  if {[bs_flood $nick $uhost] || [lsearch -exact $bs(no_pub) $chan] >= 0 || ($bs(log_only) != "" && [lsearch -exact $bs(log_only) [string tolower $chan]] == -1)} {return 0}
  if {[lsearch -exact $bs(quiet_chan) $chan] >= 0} {set target "notice $nick"} {set target "privmsg $chan"}
  if {[lindex $args 0] != ""} {set chan [lindex $args 0]} ; puthelp "$target :[bs_chanstats $chan]" ; return $bs(logqueries)
bind msg -|- chanstats bs_msgchanstats
proc bs_msgchanstats {nick uhost hand args} {global bs ; if {[bs_flood $nick $uhost]} {return 0} ; puthelp "notice $nick :[bs_chanstats [lindex $args 0]]" ; return $bs(logqueries)}
proc bs_chanstats {chan} {
  global bs_list ; set chan [string tolower $chan] ; if {![validchan $chan]} {return "I'm not on $chan."}
  set id [array startsearch bs_list] ; set bs_record [unixtime] ; set totalc 0 ; set totalm 0 ; set temp ""
  while {[array anymore bs_list $id]} {
    set item [array nextelement bs_list $id] ; set time [lindex $bs_list($item) 2] ; if {$time == ""} {continue}
    if {$chan == [string tolower [lindex $bs_list($item) 4]]} {
      if {$time < $bs_record} {set bs_record $time} ; incr totalc
      set addy [string tolower [maskhost [lindex $bs_list($item) 1]]]
      if {[lsearch -exact $temp $addy] == -1} {incr totalm ; lappend temp $addy}
  array donesearch bs_list $id ; set total [array size bs_list]
  return "$chan est dans la source de [expr 100*$totalc/$total]% ($totalc/$total) de la base de seen.  Dans $chan, Il sont un total de $totalm anvec un unique host vu dans les [bs_when $bs_record]."
foreach chan [string tolower [channels]] {if {![info exists bs_botidle($chan)]} {set bs_botidle($chan) [unixtime]}}
bind join -|- * bs_join_botidle
proc bs_join_botidle {nick uhost hand chan} {
  global bs_botidle botnick
  if {$nick == $botnick} {
  set bs_botidle([string tolower $chan]) [unixtime]
bind pub -|- [string trim $bs(cmdchar)]lastspoke lastspoke

#bugfix: fixed lastspoke to handle [blah] nicks better (c)
proc lastspoke {nick uhost hand chan args} {
  global bs botnick bs_botidle
  set chan [string tolower $chan] ; if {[bs_flood $nick $uhost] || [lsearch -exact $bs(no_pub) $chan] >= 0 || ($bs(log_only) != "" && [lsearch -exact $bs(log_only) $chan] == -1)} {return 0}
  if {[lsearch -exact $bs(quiet_chan) $chan] >= 0} {set target "notice $nick"} {set target "privmsg $chan"}
  set data [lindex [bs_filt [join $args]] 0]
  set ldata [string tolower $data]
  if {[string match *\** $data]} {
    set chanlist [string tolower [chanlist $chan]]
    if {[lsearch -glob $chanlist $ldata] > -1} {set data [lindex [chanlist $chan] [lsearch -glob $chanlist $ldata]]}
  if {[onchan $data $chan]} {
    if {$ldata == [string tolower $botnick]} {puthelp "$target :$nick, devez vous me faire perdre mon temps?" ; return 1}
    set time [getchanidle $data $chan] ; set bottime [expr ([unixtime] - $bs_botidle($chan))/60]
    if {$time < $bottime} {
      if {$time > 0} {set diftime [bs_when [expr [unixtime] - $time*60 -15]]} {set diftime "moin d'une minute"}
      puthelp "$target :$data la derniere fois a entre un mot dans (???) $chan il y a $diftime."
    } {
      set diftime [bs_when $bs_botidle($chan)]
      puthelp "$target :$data n'a pas entre de mot quand (???) il a join $chan il y a $diftime."
  return 1
bind msgm -|- "help seen" bs_help_msg_seen
bind msgm -|- "help chanstats" bs_help_msg_chanstats
bind msgm -|- "help seenstats" bs_help_msg_seenstats
proc bs_help_msg_seen {nick uhost hand args} {
  global bs ; if {[bs_flood $nick $uhost]} {return 0}
  puthelp "notice $nick :###  seen <query> \[chan\]          $bs(version)"
  puthelp "notice $nick :  Possibilite de format:"
  puthelp "notice $nick :    'regulier':  seen lamer; seen lamest "
  puthelp "notice $nick :    'mask':  seen *l?mer*; seen *; seen *.edu #mychan" ; return 0
proc bs_help_msg_chanstats {nick uhost hand args} {
  global bs ; if {[bs_flood $nick $uhost]} {return 0}
  puthelp "notice $nick :###  chanstats <chan>          $bs(version)"
  puthelp "notice $nick :  retourne les statistique de #chan dans la base de donnes." ; return 0
proc bs_help_msg_seenstats {nick uhost hand args} {
  global bs ; if {[bs_flood $nick $uhost]} {return 0}
  puthelp "notice $nick :###  seenstats          $bs(version)"
  puthelp "notice $nick :  retourne le status de la base de donnes." ; return 0
bind dcc -|- seenversion bs_version
proc bs_version {hand idx args} {global bs ; putidx $idx "###  Bass's Seen script, $bs(version) , traduction O_be_one."}
bind dcc -|- help bs_help_dcc
proc bs_help_dcc {hand idx args} {
  global bs
  switch -- $args {
    seen {
      putidx $idx "###  seen <query> \[chan\]          $bs(version)" ; putidx $idx "  format de demande:"
      putidx $idx "    'regulier':  seen lamer; seen lamest " ; putidx $idx "    'mask':  seen *l?mer*; seen *; seen *.edu #mychan"
    seennick {putidx $idx "###  seen <nick>          $bs(version)"}
    chanstats {putidx $idx "###  chanstats <chan>" ; putidx $idx "  retourne les statisques d'usage de #chan dans la base de donnes."}
    seenstats {putidx $idx "###  seenstats          $bs(version)" ; putidx $idx "  retoune le status de la base de seen."}
    unseen {if {[matchattr $hand n]} {putidx $idx "###  unseen <chan>          $bs(version)" ; putidx $idx "  Detruit toutes les entres de <chan> dans la base."}}
    default {*dcc:help $hand $idx [join $args] ; return 0}
  } ; return 1

Messages : 221
Date d'inscription : 23/11/2009
Age : 29
Localisation : Chez moi ...

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